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fixed typo, the word 'familiar' spelled incorrectly (#1279)
* fixed typo, the word 'familiar' spelled incorrectly

* fixed typo
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iraqwarvet31 committed May 20, 2021
1 parent 095d28f commit 6f77b6f
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The animations in Animate.css should follow a few key principles:
- **Animations should be tolerable.** Related to subtlety, animations should be tolerable—seeing them repeatedly should not become too annoying or overbearing.
- **Animations should not interfere with document flow or control/input availability.** In other words, the absence of an animation should never reduce usability of a product: they should be non-critical and seen as “progressive enhancements”. Avoid animations that change properties such as `position` or `display`.
- **Animations should be helpful.** They should be designed to guide users to a point of interest, ease natural reading order, or to communicate relationships between elements.
- **Animations should feel familial.** Avoid introducing animations that feel out-of-place compared to the existing set.
- **Animations should feel familiar.** Avoid introducing animations that feel out-of-place compared to the existing set.
- **Animations should feel natural.** Animations should reflect, as much as is reasonable, motion that occurs in natural physics. Avoid extreme timing functions, and model animations on real-world events.

## Code Styling
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ The animations in Animate.css should follow a few key principles:
1. [Fork]( the project
2. Create a new topic branch on your local forked copy
3. Push your topic branch up to your fork
4. Create a [pen]( demonstrating what yor change will do.
4. Create a [pen]( demonstrating what your change will do.
5. [Open a Pull Request]( with a clear title and description against the `main` branch.

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