Using the Author Box Widget

The Author Box widget is a Theme Element. It is one of the available Single Post Template widgets that is used to dynamically display the current post’s author box.


  1. Drag an Author Box into the editing screen
  2. Source: Choose between Current Author or Custom Author *
  3. Profile Picture: Show or Hide the Profile Picture. When using Custom – upload an image
  4. Name: Show or Hide the Author Name. When using Custom – type the Author Name
  5. HTML Tag: Choose an HTML Tag for your Author
  6. Link To: Link the Author Name and Image to your website or your post archive. When using Custom – enter your own link
  7. Biography: Show or Hide your Author Biography. When using Custom – enter your Author Biography
  8. Archive Button: Show or Hide an Archive Button. This will direct your users to your post archive. When using Custom – enter your own link
  9. Archive Text: Customize the Archive Button text by entering a value or using a Dynamic Tag
  10. Layout: Set the layout for your Author Box
  11. Alignment: Set the Alignment for your Author Box

* Note: Current Author takes the WordPress user’s dynamic info to display the Post Author. Custom Author is static info.



  1. Vertical Align:  align your Author image to the top or to the middle.
  2. Image Size: Set the image size
  3. Gap: Adjust the gap between the image and the text
  4. Border: Slide for a border
  5. Border Color: Set the border color
  6. Border Width: Set the border width
  7. Border Radius: Set the border radius
  8. Box Shadow: Add Box Shadow to your Image


Under Name:

  1. Color: Set the Author name text color
  2. Typography: Set the typography design
  3. Gap: Set the gap between the Author Name and the Biography

Under Biography:

  1. Color: Set the Biography text color
  2. Typography: Set the typography design
  3. Gap: Set the gap between the Biography and the Button


  1. Text Color: Set the Button Text Color
  2. Background Color: Set the button Background Color
  3. Typography: Set the Typography design
  4. Border Width: Set the border width
  5. Border Radius: Set the border radius
  6. Padding: Set the button padding

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