
Image Box Widget

Learn how to add an image box with headline and text for Features sections

Spacer Widget

Learn how to use the Spacer widget to create extra space anywhere on a page

Text Path Widget

By using the Text Path Widget you can attach your text to any shape! select from a predefined list of shapes or upload your own SVG shape, customize and style it as you want.

Image Widget

Learn how to easily embed images on your page with the Image widget

Alert Widget

Learn how to add pre-styled alert boxes (Info, Success, Warning, Danger)

Tabs Widget

Learn how to create tabbed content areas, horizontally or vertically

Text Path Widget

By using the Text Path Widget you can attach your text to any shape! select from a predefined list of shapes or upload your own SVG shape, customize and style it as you want.

Toggle Widget

Learn how to create collapsed text boxes that can be expanded by the user

Video Widget

Learn how to easily embed videos on your page with the Video widget