Elementor Experiments


Elementor Experiments is a way for Elementor users, if they choose, to test and help shape new features before they are released. Future experiments might include widget enhancements, editor settings and functions, or even WordPress backend functionality.

  • Experience and play with new features in a safe environment
  • Turn features on and off as desired 
  • Potentially influence future feature releases by sharing feedback and reporting issues about the experience 

Note: Some experiments are activated by default for NEW sites only.

How To Use Experiments

  1. Go to Elementor > Settings > Experiments tab
  2. Select Active from the dropdown of any experiment you wish to use
  3. You may alternatively use the Activate All / Deactivate All buttons to quickly apply changes
  4. Click the Save Changes button.

Types Of Experiments

Ongoing Experiments

These are still in the Alpha/Beta versions of each experiment. They are likely to change before final release.

Stable Features

These experiments have been marked as stable by the developers but may be activated/deactivated if found to cause issues or unneeded for your website. 

Each experiment will contain:

  • A brief explanation about the feature and a Learn More link if needed
  • A status ( Dev, Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate) which indicates the stage the feature is in
  • An activity indication


  • Alpha – Likely to change and evolve
  • Beta – Fairly stable but will need checks. Usually acted by default only on new sites
  • Release Candidate – Stable, minor changes might be added but the feature is mostly complete
  • Dev – Like Alpha, this is likely to change and evolve, but this is only in the Dev version

Activity Indicators:

  • Green – Active (even if the value “Default’ is selected)
  • Gray – Inactive (even if the value “Default” is selected)


Q: What does “Default” mean? 

A: The default value can either be Active or Inactive and is defined by Elementor per experiment, per release. The default can change according to conditions, such as whether the site is new or already existing.

Q: Can I deactivate an experiment if I no longer want to use it?

A: Yes! You can deactivate experiments at any time. Simply choose Inactive from the dropdown next to the experiment.

Q: Can you randomly remove an experiment?

A: Yes, each experiment has a status, which is shown under the description of each experiment. When the status is in Alpha phase, it can be changed multiple times. 

Q: Can these experiments affect live pages?

A: Yes, absolutely. Please keep in mind that when using experiments, these features may change or be removed.

Q: What happens if I change an experiment to inactive after I already used it? 

A: Elementor acts as if the feature has never existed.

Q: Will you let us know before an experiment is removed?

A: Yes, we will communicate before removing experiments.

Q: How do you decide which experiments to keep?

A: We decide based on your feedback as well as the stability and performance of the feature.

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