It’s hard to keep track of all the developments that Elementor underwent in 2019, but we decided to give it a try anyway. This year’s expansion was felt in every aspect of our company: new product features, content, employees, even a couple of awards that we won.

This goes hand in hand with the growth of our user base, community members, and social channels. Take our Facebook community, for example — its growth rate has exceeded our expectations, with dozens of meetups and thousands of new members. Or our Instagram account, which has grown five times larger this past year, and now has over 33 thousand followers. 

Yes, this makes us very proud, but it also reminds us of the ever-growing responsibility we have for our users. We will continue to empower you to make your goals a reality. We wish you a prosperous 2020!

Product Features

  • We opened 2019 with the release of one of our most essential features — The Popup Builder. Finally you could get rid of another plugin and use Elementor’s new tool which lets you create any popup you can imagine and for a myriad of purposes, whether it’s email registration, login, promotion & sales, lead capture, or exit intent.
  • On Elementor Pro v2.5, we unleashed yet another powerful feature that brought us to new heights — Motion Effects, an advanced toolset for creating amazing scrolling & mouse animations, including sophisticated parallax effects.
  • In May, we introduced our Hello theme to the WordPress repository. Hello is a lightweight, minimalistic blank theme, aimed initially at developers who wanted a clean theme they could customize with code. Nowadays, combined with the power of the Theme Builder, users can customize their entire site using Hello WITHOUT having to deal with conflicts or code. Hello has over 100,000 installations to date.
  • In August we announced the first release of our Monthly Template Kit — a set of templates that make up a complete website, including a Header, a Footer, a 404 page, a Blog Archive & Single blog, a Popup and many more inspiring templates.
  • We ended the year, releasing yet another essential feature, Table of Contents — a tool that dynamically generates a list of links that connects your reader to the different sections on your page. Using it improves your article’s readability, accessibility, and SEO.
  • Other major features we launched over the past year: Advanced Query Control, Icon Library, Pro Gallery, Color Picker, and Dark Mode.

Product Stats

  • We’ve been busy developing new tools for you. In total, we had 44 major, minor & patch releases for our core version. In our Pro version, we launched 37 major, minor & patch releases.
  • Our library templates have reached more than 10 million downloads!
  • Total Commits: 5,617
  • Code lines added in total: 183,079


  • More than 2 million new active installs have been added this year, setting the number on more than 3.5 million active installs.
  • Elementor is now the 8th most popular WordPress plugin, with 4,430 five-star reviews, and counting…
  • Our Elementor Pro users come from 222 countries and territories!
  • Over 50% of new features were based on user feedback. You are the real reason Elementor keeps improving!


  • This year we had 105 meetups in 20 countries, across 4 continents, and this was just the first year of Elementor meetups!
  • We held our first international meetup in Berlin during the biggest WordCamp Europe event.
  • Elementor is now translated to 53 languages thanks to our amazing translation community!
  • We have more than 60 Community Leaders worldwide, leading our meetups and online local communities.
  • Our official community has grown by 81% and has now over 53K members.


Company Stats

  • Our customer support team has grown from 23 employees in 2018 to 43 in 2019.
  • This year the team has handled a total of 145,157 tickets — a growth of 74% compared to last year.
  • Support chats made in 2019: 18,365 (a growth of 39,000% from 2018!)
  • The number of Elementor employees: 111
  • The number of new recruits: 66
  • The number of newborn children: 6
  • The number of engaged couples: 2
  • Number of Happy Hours: 24
  • The number of coffee capsules used: 12,000
  • The number of soda bottles drank: 11,437
  • The number of PlayStation hours: 953


  • This year our YouTube channel has crossed the 100,000 followers mark! It’s already passed 119,000 today. Now we can pride ourselves on the prestigious silver plaque hanging on our office’ wall.
  • We were also honored to receive Torque Magazine’s Plugin Madness 2019 award. 

Big Brands Using Elementor

  • Elementor is increasingly rubbing elbows with the big leagues. The New Yorker magazine, Spot.IM, PBS, Forbes, Fiverr, GrubHub, CrunchBase, PlaceIt and Envato. 
  • Make sure to check out the monthly showcase for other inspiring Elementor creations! They might not be big brands now, but just you wait…