Shany Dvora

Shany is a multi-skilled Web Designer at Elementor. Her expertise covers UI/UX, illustration, and graphic design. She is passionate about typography and loves being outdoors. In her free time, she presents artwork revolving around her Eastern roots.

10 Web Design Trends To Expect in 2023

Whether present-day web design reflects an era of self-indulgence, nostalgia, maximalism, minimalism or even artificial intelligence, one thing is clear – we are in an age of rapid change. Find out how web designers are navigating these trends in 2023.

10 Web Design Trends To Expect in 2022

2021 was a crazy year to say the least. Let’s pause for a moment to wrap things up and see what the future holds by taking a sneak peek into next year’s top design fads. We’ve selected upcoming 10 trends to spark your imagination.