Yoni Luksenberg

Co-Founder & CEO at Elementor, Designer, Entrepreneur, Father, Dreamer, Creator, Lego Builder.

Elementor Acquires Strattic To Redefine WordPress Hosting

Elementor acquires Strattic, the leading WordPress static hosting solution for secure, high-performance websites. This decision strengthens our ability to provide an end-to-end solution to millions of Web Creators by harnessing the power of static hosting technology and marks a significant milestone for Elementor.

Year in Review 2018

It’s been an exhilirating party all year long! Join us as we journey through the features, numbers and stories that made 2018 so amazing

Behind the Scenes: Why We Made UI Changes

In this post, I want to explain how and why we recently decided to implement several UI changes in our editor. In the process, I hope to shed light on the vision we have for Elementor, and how this vision helps us build the right relationship, communication and trust with members of our community.

Year In Review 2017

As 2017 comes to a close, it’s time to look back at the past year. And what an incredible year it was!