Streamline Your Business Processes

Live Webinar • Wednesday, July 8th • 2 PM EST

Paul Jarvis - Author of Company of One and cofounder of Fathom Analytics

What's Planned for the Webinar and Q&A Session

This webinar, we bring you one of the leading thinkers and authors for freelance web designers! Paul Jarvis has been a web designer since the 90s, and wrote the book that every freelancer should read. His book ‘Company of One’ has already been translated into 18+ languages, and gives valuable insights to freelancers who want to build a successful one-person creative business. Paul is also the co-founder of an analytics tool and a WordPress plugin. He hosts several popular podcasts, and runs an online business course program called ‘Creative Class’.

You’ll learn:

Paul writes: ‘Successful freelancers are the ones that use processes. This makes their work easier, keeps their schedules more reliable, and illustrates to clients that they know their shit inside and out.’ We’ll be discussing how to perfect the processes you use while working with clients, including:
  1. Onboarding new clients and introducing your clients to your methods
  2. Developing the right project processes
  3. Receiving client feedback
  4. Getting paid on time
  5. Saying no to clients
  6. Developing a process for generating sales
  7. Properly handing off projects