Andy Crestodina,
Co-founder and CMO of Orbit Media

The most useful
Google Analytics metrics for web designers

August 12th  |  2 PM EST

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Before you push another pixel, take a minute to consider how Google Analytics can make this web design project better

Andy Crestodina

About the author

In these webinar series, I find experts in the field of web creation that I myself follow. Andy Crestodina is someone I’ve been eager to book, since I’ve gotten amazing insights from his videos, articles and surveys. If there’s one figure that combines expertise in web design, content marketing and strategy, it’s definitely Andy.

Andy has been in the web design and interactive marketing space since 2000. In that time, he’s helped thousands of people do a better job getting results online. He’s a true evangelist for content marketing and ethical digital marketing.

Together with the team at Orbit Media, Andy has put out some of the best digital marketing advice available in hundreds of practical articles, including posts on virtually all of the top marketing websites. Then there’s the book, Content Chemistry, which is currently in its fifth edition

What we'll cover

This session will answer some key questions
about measuring web design:

  1. How can Analytics help us “pre-optimize” the menus and navigation

  2. Redesigning? What should you dump (or keep) from the current site?

  3. How will results be measured? Which little design decisions make that hard?

  4. Which UX features makes measurement impossible without fancy GA setup and skills?

  5. Where are the clues that tell us which content is working?
    Which is not?

At its core, Google Analytics is a tool for listening. The best web designers don’t ignore what visitors are telling them. They know where to look for insights and how to use those insights to make better design decisions based on that data.

After 20 years planning websites and just as long measuring results, Andy Crestodina is going to share his top Analytics tips for web designers. Be ready to take notes, then take action immediately on your current projects.

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