Everything You Need to
Build & Host WordPress Websites

Get an All-in-One Solution: Managed WordPress Hosting + Elementor Pro Builder + Theme + Support!

“Allows you to do just about anything you can imagine”

Fully Managed & Reliable

Enjoy worry-free Managed Hosting where we make sure your environment is always optimized, maintained and up-to-date.

Top Performing & Secure

Powered by Google Cloud, you get secure, top-performing websites with scalable resources to meet your needs.

Elementor Pro Builder

With our powerful visual builder included, create awesome, responsive web designs. No coding required.

The Best Hosting Platform for Elementor-Built Websites

Elementor’s Managed Hosting & Website Builder are tailored to work together for a perfectly seamless web creation experience

Ultra High Performance

Our managed Hosting is built on a powerful, cloud-based infrastructure that ensures fast-loading page speeds and high reliability through an automatic failover process, giving you 99.9% uptime.

Extra Security Built-In

You get an SSL certificate, daily backups, DDoS attack protection and integrated security layers, all monitored by our team of experts to make sure your websites are safe from malicious cyber activities.

High Speed CDN by Cloudflare

Our Content Delivery Network by Cloudflare uses distributed servers worldwide to deliver fast-loading websites no matter where visitors are located, even during high traffic surges.

Staging Tool

Safely test new features or designs on a duplicated environment. Make changes without disrupting your live website and when you’re ready, push it to live.

Custom Domain & Email Connect

Connect your custom domain and align your Elementor website to your brand name. Have your email address match your domain, just like a pro.

Management Dashboard

Easily manage your websites and subscriptions, perform actions including connecting your domain, running backups/restore, and more.

Unlock the Power to Design Pixel-Perfect Websites

With Elementor Pro included, you get the ultimate design experience within a hassle-free hosting environment. Leverage all the advanced Pro features, widgets, and templates to create fully responsive, beautiful, websites.

Intuitive Drag & Drop

Visually build and customize every part of your website without having to write a single line of code.

120+ Widgets

Choose from a growing selection of design, layout, and eCommerce Widgets, developed to meet your every need.

150+ Pre-Designed Templates

Select from a huge library of templates, website designs and wireframes to get your website quickly off the ground.

WooCommerce Store Builder

Easily extend WooCommerce capabilities to fit your brand by customizing your shopping cart, checkout pages, and more.

Motion Effects

Create magnificent animations and special effects that add another layer of interaction to your website.

Dynamic Content

Connect design, data and content for a unique website experience using dynamic tags in any Elementor Widget or Loop.

Form & Popup Builder

Build impressive step-by-step forms and design eye-catching popups to collect leads and drive sales.

Custom Code and CSS

Add CSS or custom code to control the appearance and behavior of your website. Easily integrate third party tools.

Keep your WordPress plugins - no fuss, no mess.

Elementor is fully compatible with other popular WordPress plugins such as
WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, Wordfence, Smush, ACF and more.

Award Winning Support

With our premium support you can contact us 24/7,
and get answers from experts located all around the globe.

Compare our WordPress Hosting plans

Features Basic Business Grow Scale
Google Cloud Platform yes yes yes yes
Managed WordPress Hosting With Elementor’s managed hosting platform, we remove the complexities of website maintenance while ensuring your WordPress environment is up-to-date and your website is backed-up daily. yes yes yes yes
# of WordPress websites The number of unique WordPress websites you can build and host in the same subscription. Hosting is powered by Google Cloud where WordPress and Elementor Pro Website Builder are pre-installed for easy, one click setup. 1 1 Up to 3 Up to 10
Elementor Pro Website Builder Gain total control over your website design with Elementor Pro website builder features. Get dozens of widgets, 100s of kits and templates, Theme builder, and enjoy a veriaty of pro features such as: WooCommerce builder, Forms, Popups, advanced motion effects, Loops dynamic content and so much more.   
value included
value included
value included
value included
Hello Theme Hello Theme is the ultimate theme for building pages with Elementor. It’s lightweighted, code clean and optimized to work seamlessly with Elementor Website Builder. yes yes yes yes
CDN by Cloudflare CDN (Content Delivery Network) ensures your website loads fast, no matter where your visitors are located around the globe. yes yes yes yes
SSD Storage The amount of storage allocated to handle your needs for storing images, files, databases and other website assets. We use the latest solid-state (SSD) technology to give you the best storage and transfer performance available. 10GB 20GB 25GB 40GB
Monthly Visits The estimated monthly visitor traffic your website can easily handle. 25K 50K 75K 100K
Monthly Bandwidth The approximate amount of data you can transfer per month with this plan. Bandwidth usage is the total amount of data downloaded by all users visiting the website during the month. 30GB 50GB 75GB 100GB
WordPress+Builder Pre-installed WordPress CMS, Elementor Pro and Theme, all pre-installed and ready to go. yes yes yes yes
Staging A place to safely test new features and make changes without disrupting the live version of your website. Each website gets its own staging environment. no yes yes yes
Free SSL Certification Cloudflare’s SSL Certificate is included to protect your website, sensitive customer data and online transactions. yes yes yes yes
Automatic Daily Backup Automated daily website backups ensure that your website will be backed up consistently and allow you to restore in case of need. Days of backups stored vary from one plan to another. 14 Days 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days
On Demand Backup The number of on-demand backups we’ll save for you per website, above and beyond the automated backups that your plan gives you. Manually back up your website, as often as you want, and easily restore in time of need. 1 (per site) 3 (per site) 3 (per site) 3 (per site)
Free Elementor Domain Get a free Elementor Hosting domain. yes yes yes yes
Custom Domain connect Connect you custom domains to your Elementor hosted websites. Domains can be purchased with any domain provider. 1 (per site) 2 (per site) 2 (per site) 2 (per site)
DDoS Protection DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) safeguards your site from fraudulent flooding of large amounts of traffic with a short period of time. yes yes yes yes
WAF Protection The WAF (Web Application Firewall) protects your website by monitoring and blocking any malicious HTTP/S traffic. yes yes yes yes
Email Domain Authentication Connect your custom domain to the sender address of your website’s triggered emails to your visitors. yes yes yes yes
Features Basic Business Grow Scale
Premium Support Get premium support from an award-winning team committed to your success. Members are the number of people who can individually access and receive 24/7 support. 1 Member 2 Members 4 Members 6 Members
24/7 Live Chat yes yes yes yes
Features Basic Business Grow Scale
Drag & Drop Live Editor yes yes yes yes
Responsive Design yes yes yes yes
50+ Basic Widgets yes yes yes yes
60+ Pro Widgets yes yes yes yes
150+ Templates yes yes yes yes
110+ Website Kits yes yes yes yes
Theme Builder yes yes yes yes
WooCommerce Builder yes yes yes yes
Popup builder yes yes yes yes
Form Builder yes yes yes yes
Loop Builder yes yes yes yes
Notes yes yes yes yes

Choose your plan


Subscriptions are billed annually. Your first invoice will reflect the 1st year discount. Renewals will be billed annually at list price


Have more questions?
Try the Elementor Help Center or Contact Us.

An Elementor hosted website is perfect for web creators who want to focus on building their professional website hassle-free. This end-to-end solution gives you everything you need in one place: Managed WordPress Hosting, Elementor Pro Website Builder, Theme and Premium support, all tailored together to provide a seamless building experience and top performing websites. Additionally, it can be an excellent solution for anyone building websites for clients as it enables a straightforward handoff process and makes it easy for them to maintain.

Elementor Hosting plans include everything you need to start building your own website; fast Managed WordPress Hosting, Elementor Website Builder and Elementor Hello Theme. Including:

  • WordPress Hosting powered by Google Cloud Platform
  • Elementor Pro Website Builder
  • Secure CDN by Cloudflare
  • Free SSL certification by Cloudflare
  • Fast SSD Storage
  • Monthly visits 
  • Bandwidth
  • Free custom domain connection
  • Free Email domain authentication
  • Free subdomain under elementor.cloud
  • Auto backups (varying by plan)
  • Staging environment (available for some plans)
  • Premium Support for additional Members (varying by plan)

You get all the benefits of Elementor Website Builder, including the drag & drop editor, all Pro widgets, features, kits and templates. PLUS, you get support for everything, from editing to hosting, all in one place.

The Elementor plugin allows you to utilize all the amazing features offered by Elementor Pro. To use it, you will first need to purchase a hosting service with a WordPress installation and then download and install the Elementor plugin.
Our WordPress Hosting plans provide an end-to-end solution that includes all the features and benefits of Elementor Pro Website Builder along with hosting and WordPress installation, resulting in a seamless creation experience at a great value price. When building and hosting your website on Elementor you get a hassle-free experience that saves you time to spend building a beautiful website and managing all these services under one roof.

Yes, with some plans, you can definitely build more than one website! You can purchase a multi-website plan that includes up to 3 or up to 10 websites.

Absolutely, you can upgrade your current Elementor hosted website plan at any given time. You can upgrade to a higher single plan or choose a multiple website plan according to your needs.
*When upgrading, the relative value remaining in the original plan price will be deduced from the price of the new plan.

Your website will continue to run normally.
Currently we do not charge for overage, however in the future, as with many other hosting services, if you exceed your plan’s allotted resources, you will be billed for overage fees at the rate of $1 per month per 1GB in excess and $1 per month per 1,000 visitors in excess.
We will notify you at least a month in advance before we put such a policy into effect. You will be alerted if and when you consume 80% of your allotted resources.

You can upgrade from your current plan to a higher-tier plan. For any other requested change, please contact our support team.

You can transfer your website at any time to any hosting provider, without restrictions. There are 3 main methods to export your website:

  1. You can use Elementor’s Import/Export feature
  2. Use WordPress’s built-in export functionality and import it to your new host.
  3. You can also export and download the latest backup to your local computer and import it on your new hosting.

As Elementor hosting plans include the Elementor Website Builder Pro plugin, please note that you would need to purchase one of the Elementor Pro plugin plans so that all of your Elementor Pro features will work properly on your site with your new hosting provider.

We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, and Stripe.

Absolutely not. The subscription price is charged annually. We offer a first year discount and renewals on List Price, which includes all the hosting and Elementor Pro Website Builder features described above. 

Currently we do not charge for overage, however in the future, as with many other hosting services, if you exceed your plan’s allotted resources, you will be billed for overage fees at the rate of $1 per month per 1GB in excess and $1 per month per 1,000 visitors in excess. 

We will notify you at least a month in advance before we put such a policy into effect. And you will be alerted if and when you consume 80% of your allotted resources.

Elementor Hosting has no trial period, but we do offer a 30-day money back guarantee with no strings attached.

A Powerful Website Creation Solution at Your Fingertips