What Is a Subscription Form?

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A subscription form is a way to gather essential data to convert sight visitors into valid leads. 

The subscription form can be placed on any website page or blog where users can fill in fields with their details to receive emails on topics they find interesting. 

The form’s fundamental goal is getting your subscribers to opt into your mailing list.

Why Use Subscription Forms? 

  1. Lead generation: Subscription forms are an essential tool to generate leads. Having subscribers fill in a form to receive your newsletters means they are interested in your business and its services and products. This qualifies them to be more than just cold leads who land on your page by chance.
  1. Subscribers’ information: Subscriptions forms are an established way to collect users’ information – such as name, age, gender, address, country. This data helps lead nurturing and building relationships between the customer and business. 
  1. Establishment: Subscription forms are easy to build by choosing a service that provides a customizable, code-free form builder – preferably one with drag-and-drop functionality. Customizing a form is essential for establishing a brand’s identity. Also, decide if you want a pop-up, embedded, fixed, or floating subscription form structure.
  1. Legality: Buying email lists is considered spam and is therefore illegal. However, subscription forms are legitimate ways to gather customers’ emails.

Subscription Form Best Practices

  1. Make the for as short as possible – keep it simple. 
  1. Place the fields in a single column – don’t frighten potential leads off with too many fields to fill in.
  1. Design it in keeping with your brand’s style – establishing brand identity is vital.
  1. Ensure that your CTA button is visible – viewers shouldn’t have to search for it.


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