What Is a Website Builder & How Does It Work?

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A Website Builder is a program or platform that allows one to create a website quickly and easily with no required expertise. 

Website builders are beneficial to small businesses trying to establish an online presence tailored to meet unique business goals with the brand’s content, elements, and offerings.

How Does a Website Builder Work?

Website builders usually feature drag ’n drop software that enables customizing elements on a page with layouts selected from sometimes hundreds of available web page templates.

There are online and offline website builder formats, with the main difference being an internet connection. An online builder requires no software downloads as it works through your internet browser. As long as there is an internet connection, one can build a site anytime, anywhere. Adding to the ease of use, this format typically comes with a hosting service. 

Offline builders require more technical knowledge however enable working without an internet connection. They operate as do downloadable software programs where the computer hosts files until they are ready for upload to the web host. The web host here is purchased separately. 

Three website builder steps: 

  1. Pick a website builder’s library template that best suits your needs.
  2. Edit the template’s built-in elements to personalize your site: Click and add your own content (e.g., text, images, videos, and social buttons).
  3. Publish.

5 Website Builder Benefits

  1. No coding: Website Builder platforms don’t require extensive coding or technical skills to get a site up and running. In fact, there is no code to write. 
  2. Low maintenance: Web builders require no complex or constant maintenance other than refreshing content, as with all sites.
  3. Rapid setup: Using a website builder saves precious time by simplifying the site creation process. 
  4. Differentiating options: A good website builder offers so many customization options that you won’t create a website that looks the same as everyone else’s.
  5. No graphic design experience: Website builders with pre-packaged professionally designed templates makes it easy for users with no graphic design knowledge (e.g., Photoshop, color theory, typography) to create a visually appealing site. 

How to Choose a Website Builder

Not all website builders are created equal. When choosing one, consider the following seven criteria:

  • Ease-of-Use: Pick a simple website builder with a user-friendly interface that requires no learning curve or experience.  
  • High-Quality Templates: Find a site builder with high-class, professional-looking templates.
  • Quick Updates: Choose a builder that makes adding, changing, and improving content easy, as this is essential for visitor pull and retention.
  • Social Compatibility: Ensure you can add links to and display social media icons to further engage with your audience.
  • Email & Domain Options: Choose a site builder that provides domains and email registration options – both crucial elements when establishing a trustworthy brand.
  • Form Builders: Ensure that your website builder provides tools to create forms that audiences can easily navigate and connect with you. 
  • Customization Options: The website builder must provide you with options to freely create a personalized website.


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