What Is a Template Kit?

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A Template kit is a predesigned resource that shows the structure for a website’s complete layout and display features. 

Various suppliers provide templates to help make life easier for web designers. 

Why Use a Template Kit?

A website template kit enables designers to easily plug content into a complex framework built with classic web languages, such as CSS and HTML. Designers can swap their content and images with that contained in the template without writing code. 

Over the last few years, a budding market has been individuals building their own sites without employing designers. This is accomplished by using templates and tailoring them to their business, product, or service. Templates are increasingly popular as suppliers constantly add new features that enable beautiful webs creation without knowing a word of code. 

Also, major template suppliers offer hundreds of templates that are not only easily customizable but are: free to download, publish in seconds, social media compatible, and mobile optimized. 

In addition, they offer traffic generation tools, custom domain names, free multilingual fonts, drag ‘n drop functionality, easy-to-add blogs, and thousands of free images. Additionally, some enable launching an e-commerce business with ease.

One of the most valuable template elements in a mobile-centric world is resources for responsive web design. These templates help small businesses meet modern challenges by quickly building a new website with full, automatic cross-device compatibility. 

In this way, their business offering is accessible to prospects using their smartphones and other handheld devices to view websites, access information, and take action through CTAs. In some cases, website owners take content and images from their core site and plug them straight into a responsive website template to offer a mobile-friendly version.

Template Kit Features

As mentioned, templates include increasingly helpful features. Furthermore, users can add plugins or widgets to meet additional requirements that a basic template may not have. 

Generally, website templates include precise layouts of titles, background banners, round or square images, typographical options, stripes, and other layout features. Smart template usage by simply swapping placeholders with one’s own text and images can create very elaborate, professional-looking, and lucrative websites!


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