What Is a Media Carousel?

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Media Carousel is a customizable Elementor visual widget for WordPress sites. Media Carousel enables web designers to create carousels and sliders showcasing videos and images with various effects. The widget also has optimization options for cross-device display.

Media Carousel is separate from Elementor’s Image Carousel widget and includes three skins: 

  1. Carousel: Traditional rotating carousel skin displays a personalized number of video or image slides per view. 
  1. Slideshow: Slider skin displays the main slide and small thumbnail images below it.
  1. Coverflow: Slider skin shows a central slide in the front and two slides further back on either side. 

Media Carousel Sliding Effects

In addition to the primary slide effect, Carousel and Slideshow skins let you choose between a Fade Effect and 3D Cube Effect, and much more.

General Features:

  1. Quickly changing the size, ratio, and space between slides. Option to use different sized images and display them at a selected size.
  2. Sizing: Flexibility to scale carousel’s width and height; image size; and image fit into its container (Cover, Contain, or Auto).
  3. Lightbox & External Link: Every image and video can open to full view using an inbuilt customizable popup lightbox. Or, set a separate custom URL to which each slide will link.
  4. Navigation: Browsing the carousel using arrows, dots, numbered fractions, or a progress bar. Each browsing feature also has its own styling options.
  5. Transition Duration, Autoplay Speed (if Autoplay is selected), Infinite Loop: Set the time it takes for each slide to appear in milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 second) or show the carousel in a continuous loop. 
  6. Showcase videos in your carousel.
  7. Coverflow Skin includes an overlay option of None, Text, or Icon:
    • Text includes displaying captions, titles, or descriptions. It also has a choice of animations – Fade, Slide Up, Slide Down, Slide Right, Slide Left, Zoom In. 
    • Icon option offers the choice of a search icon, plus icon, eye icon, or link icon.

Mobile Responsiveness

As with other Elementor widgets, the Media Carousel and Slideshow come with mobile responsive editing. For example, set the number of slides per view, the height, width, and space between each device separately. 

Mobile users can also swipe to browse through the slides. All these options make it easy to customize the mobile view of these widgets and make it 100% responsive.


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