What Is An Opt-In Page?

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An Opt-In Page (formerly referred to as a subscribe page) is a websites page where visitors can choose (opt-in) to receive communications such as promotional emails and newsletters. 

To sign up for these communications, visitors are requested to provide their name and email address on the Opt-In Page

Some websites add a “double opt-in” step to the email subscription opt-in process. With this step, users receive an email requiring them to verify their email address and confirm interest.

Why Use an Opt-In Page?

An opt-in page is a marketing technique to convert users into subscribers with a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a useful gift that users will want for free. The opt-in page encourages more people to share personal data with a company. This data provides insight that enables brands to communicate personalized and quality email campaigns to their audience. 

There is no universal opt-in page as different industries have different value types and require other data in exchange. In addition, each company also uses different communication styles. 

How to Make Your Opt-In Page Effective

High-converting opt-in pages are those that are optimized for your business goals and include three crucial elements for each page:

  1. Create a unique value proposition (UVP): Tell future subscribers what they will receive in return for joining your community. An attractive and professional opt-in page must include a valuable lead magnet, such as a ticket to an event, free eBook, free trial of your service, etc. Make sure your value proposition applies to your target audience.
  1. Add a lead form: This form comprises fields for providing personal data in exchange for your value proposition. The more value you offer, the more details you can request, such as phone number, location, and the name of a user’s company, employer, and position.
  1. Include a clear Call to Action: A CTA explains the next steps for users. For example, “Claim your discount,” “Get your free eBook,” “Download our free guide.” 

6 Opt-in Page Best Practices

  1. Qualify and segment leads: Receiving as much data as possible through the opt-in page enables more relevant and personalized future offers.
  2. Avoid long opt-in pages: If possible, place all necessary information above the fold.
  3. Create multichannel subscription forms: Let users also contact you via chatbots, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. 
  4. Make an eye-catching CTA button that contrasts with the background color.
  5. Use directional cues: Show users where to look with clues like arrows.
  6. Be creative: Gain a competitive edge by avoiding standard opt-in structures and adding interactive elements like GIFS and animated CTAs.


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