What Is Hello Theme?

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The Hello Theme is a simple WordPress theme from developers of the popular drag-and-drop Page Builder plugin, Elementor. Hello is a lightweight, stripped-down foundation for developers that is basically a blank canvas on which to build an Elementor site with no integrations or features.

Why Use Hello Theme?

Hello’s minimal design means it is fast-loading and compatible with all popular WordPress plugins, including the new WordPress editor. In addition, its minimum styling gives new and experienced designers creative freedom.

Additional benefits:

  • Loads in 1/4 seconds, giving users a seamless experience.
  • Only requires 6 KB of resources, making it far lighter than most themes.
  • Lean header & footer capabilities allow customization of colors, typographies, and logo – or hiding sections you want to be excluded.
  • Server requires just two requests before visitors see your site.
  • Built for optimal page speed and performance, improves your search engine ranking directly and indirectly through better user experience and lower bounce rates.
  • Responsive by default and customizable by device.

Use Cases

Interestingly, some WordPress users are creating lovely landing pages with Hello Theme’s blank canvas. Others are using it to build online shops using it in combination with Elementor’s WooCommerce Builder, while others are creating sophisticated designs from scratch with Elementor’s templating system.

A minimal WordPress design, such as Hello Theme, is so flexible that it reminds us that less is sometimes more.


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