What Is A Website Widget?

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In WordPress, Website Widgets are a WordPress feature that allows you to add certain functionalities to your website. Widgets provide WordPress users with an easy way to control the content and design of their site without having to write code. 

They can be set up by embedding copy and pasted code blocks into your site without changing – or even understanding your site host’s entire code framework.

Where To Find Website Widgets

By default, WordPress comes with various widgets such as the navigation menu, search bar, categories, tag cloud, calendar, and more. Widgets can be banner ads, social icons, a photo, a signup form, or even the “Help” bubble on the bottom corner. You can also add more widgets by using specific plugins. 

Widget placement areas of your site depend on your WordPress themes, such as sidebars, header, or footer. 

Why Use Website Widgets?

Website Widgets are most popular among small businesses and eCommerce sites offering access to customer support or customer success teams. A customer service widget enables users to contact you directly, quickly browse your knowledge base, or find answers to common questions – these widgets significantly lower support volume.

Furthermore, widgets can be valuable in helping visitors navigate your site and encouraging them to take actions like following you on social media or signing up for your newsletter. Thus, while improving the UX, widget use also aims to increase customer engagement and drive conversions, sales, and ROI.


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