What Is Theme Style?

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A Theme Style is a new control feature introduced by Elementor that appears when you click on the menu icon in the top left of the panel. The plugin includes settings that allow you to control your entire site design globally.

Setting a specific style under Theme Style changes the relevant HTML tags and applies the style across your website. In fact, when you add any new element to your site, it will adopt this HTML tag style by default.

Why Use Theme Style?

If you use WordPress themes, you have probably been frustrated when you cannot change the style of a particular element – even the color of a simple H1 header. Also, before Theme Styles were introduced, one had to turn to code or use theme settings to choose different default styles. Theme Style enables users to set it all in one place and immediately affect all images across the site. 

With Theme Style, you can now set default styling for:

  • Headings
  • Text
  • Form fields
  • Images
  • Backgrounds
  • Links
  • Buttons
  • and more… 

Benefits of Theme Style

Theme Style is modular, so it affects only the settings you change, while the rest of your site’s styles remain untouched. Suppose you make a change and regret it. In that case, Theme Style has Revisions and History controls for undoing/redoing changes and the option to revert to a previous version of your site design.

Feature Benefits Include:

  • Make code-free style changes across your site without coding.
  • No need for the theme customizer. Change theme settings from within Elementor.
  • Maintain consistent design across the entire website.
  • Set the default style of plugin elements and Elementor widgets (for Elementor widgets to be affected, first disable default global colors and fonts).


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