What is a Mega Menu?

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A Mega Menu is an expandable menu that displays navigation options to site visitors in a large, rectangular group. This option replaces scrolling and using icons, tooltips, and typography to explain user choices.

Why Use a Mega Menu?

A Mega Menu is a type of dropdown, expandable Menu that displays many choices in a two-dimensional layout. Mega Menus can improve site navigability, but this should be A/B tested. The Menu serves to help users find more so that you can sell more or meet other business goals, such as for a site sharing important governmental or non-profit information.

When to Use a Mega Menu?

A Mega Menu is a perfect design choice for accommodating a large number of options. The design is also great in providing enough space for images and other rich content.

Furthermore, images in these menus can help users pick the right choice for them. Finally, mega menus are optimal for showing lower or multiple-level site pages at a glance.

Characteristics of a Mega Menu

The following are some of the characteristics included in a Mega Menu:

  • Large, 2D panels are divided into navigation option groups.
  • Navigation choices are structured through typography, layout, and sometimes icons.
  • Everything is visible at once, with no scrolling required.
  • Menu options are revealed on hover, click, or tap.


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