What is a Hover Animation?

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Hover Animation is a WordPress feature that lets you animate elements on your website. The animations occur when users hover over a component that responds with motion or another transition effect, such as a bounce, pulse, or rotation.

Why use a Hover Animation?

The Hover Animation feature can highlight essential items on your website, enhance the site’s interactivity, grab visitors’ attention, and encourage them to take action on your site. There are many hover animations to choose from depending on your site’s design and your targets. 

For instance, if you depend on viewers submitting a form to increase conversions, hover animations can persuade them to do so. You can also use Hovers to encourage viewers to purchase, complete whatever CTA a button says, and even click on elements other than buttons, like social media icons.

Site visitors enjoy Hover Animations, and they demonstrate that your site is working. They also personalize your site and create delightful experiences for your visitors. 

Types of Hover Animations

There are many Hover Animations from which to choose. Some animations can loop, repeat backward, and move from an initial state to intermediate states to an end state.

Others grow, shrink, pulse, push, pop, bounce, rotate, change color, float, sink, bob, hang, skew, wobble, buzz, and more, depending on how you coded it. One can also use keyframes to indicate the beginning and end of the animation and the intermediate steps between the start and end. So, every keyframe describes how the animated element should render at a given time during the animation sequence.

Hover Animations: Tips

You should always ensure that your content is accessible on all devices, including those with limited or non-existent hovering capabilities. In other words, while you can still create and add hover animations on your site, they shouldn’t be essential to the meaning of your content or user experience. 


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