Connecting your Hover domain to an Elementor hosted website

Note: Elementor has updated its domain registration process. See Adding a custom domain name to your Elementor hosted Website for more details. However, the information here regarding Hover is still accurate and can be used to help locate your domain name records on the Hover site.

In this article, you’ll learn how to connect your Hover domain to your Elementor hosted website. Let’s get started!

  1. Go to your My Elementor dashboard.
  2. Select Websites.
  3. Click the Manage This Website button located on your website’s card to open the site details screen. 
  4. Navigate to the Manage Domains section.
  5. Select Add Custom Domain
Screenshot of the Mange Domains interface. This contains a list below the default domain where you can add a custom domain.
Manage Domains allows you to add a custom domain.

A pop-up screen will appear.

Screenshot of the edit you DNS records screen where you can edit the A Record and CNAME.
Update your DNS.

Keep this pop-up screen open because you’ll need to copy this information to your Google Domains account.

Adding the DNS records

  1. Visit in a separate browser tab and log into your account. 
  2. Navigate to the Your Account menu from the Home screen. 
  3. Select Control Panel.
    Screenshot of the location of the Control where you can select and manage your DNS.
    The Control Panel allows you to select the domain you want to manage.
  4. Go to the Domain Details page from your Domains
  5. Go to the DNS tab. 
Screenshot of Hover domain details and the DNS tab highlighted.
Here you can easily find your DNS at Hover.

Add an A record

Under the DNS settings, you’ll create an A record for your domain. 

Important: If your domain DNS record has an AAAA (IPv6) record set, you need to delete it because IPv6 is not compatible with Elementor hosted websites yet.

If your domain DNS record already has an A record set to Parked, or another address, you should also delete it first.

Screenshot of deleting an A record from the DNS settings on Hover domains.
Delete existing A records to avoid conflicts.
  1. Navigate to the Type field. 
  2. Use the dropdown to select an A record.
  3. Go to the Host Name field and enter the primary domain or ‘@’ symbol (root).
  4. Find the IP Address field and enter the IP address of your Elementor Cloud website. You can find this IP address on your My Elementor dashboard page.
  5. Leave the TTL field as the default value (15 Minutes).
  6. Click the green Add Record button to apply the record.
Animated GIF of A Record details being added in DNS records.
If only all your work could be as simple as adding an A Record!

Providing a CNAME record for the “www” address

If you also want to direct the “www” address to your Elementor hosted website, you have to create a CNAME record with the host name set to “www”. You may already have a CNAME record for “www” set to your domain. If so, you can leave it as-is. If you don’t have one on your list, you’ll need to add it. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to your DNS settings tab.
  2. Click Add New Record.
  3. Go to the Type dropdown menu and select CNAME.
  4. Enter “www” in the Host name field.  
  5. Enter your primary domain as the target in the Target Name field. 
  6. Leave the TTL field set to the default 15 Minute value.
  7. Click the green Add Record button to apply the record.
Animated GIF showing a user adding in CNAME details for a website resolution.
Next let’s add the CNAME details!

Alternative CNAME method

You can also add a CNAME record that connects your domain to your Elementor hosted website domain. 

If your domain name is and your Elementor hosted website is, create a CNAME record with that points to

Wait for the DNS changes to apply

DNS servers across the world periodically check for any changes to the DNS records. A DNS change generally takes up to 72 hours to propagate global DNS servers, but this often happens within a few hours or even minutes.

Return to the My Elementor dashboard

  1. Go to the My Elementor dashboard browser tab. 
  2. Click the green Accept button. 
  3. Click Add Custom Domain Button if the popup has been closed.
Screenshot of the A Record and CNAME resolution details for a website in the edit your DNS records screen.
Adding in a custom CNAME to make it easy to resolve websearches.

Adding your custom domain name in Elementor 

  1. Enter your domain name without “www” in the next pop-up window.
    Screenshot of the Now add your custom domain pop-up.
    Your custom domain name will be different!
  2. Set your domain as the Primary Domain if needed. 
  3. Create the web address “www”.

Wait for Elementor to connect to your domain

Sit back and relax. Once you’ve completed the steps above, Elementor will attempt to connect to your Hover account DNS records. This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to 72 hours

Screenshot telling users that they just need to wait for changes made to propagate including what to expect over the next 48 hours.
Now you just have to wait for changes to propagate!

Setting the custom name as primary

  1. Click Set Primary Domain beside your custom domain name. A pop-up window will open.
  2. Select Set Primary. The popup window will close. 
  3. Check your inbox for an email notification when everything is ready. It takes 30 seconds to several minutes for the changes to appear. 
Screenshot of the set website domain name as primary window.
Setting up a primary domain name is just a click away!

The bottom line

In this how-to, we’ve taken you through the steps you need to follow to direct web traffic to your website. Once you’ve completed the steps, we’ll check that your DNS is available along with the SSL certificate for your website. This process can take up to 72 hours due to the time it takes for changes to apply to global DNS servers. When your domain is ready, you’ll be notified by email.

To get the most out of Elementor, check out the Elementor Academy for helpful learning resources. If you come across any issues or need help, please contact our Support Center.

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