Here in Elementor, our goal is not just to give you the tool, but help you use it. Today I want to focus on a newly added Pro widget, the Price Table, and show you a few examples of best practices for creating beautiful and effective pricing tables.

Our previous tutorial about designing hero scenes has gotten great feedback, and my hope is that this article will also help you design better pricing tables.

Before we get started, I invite you to check out the full video tutorial by Elementor FED Josh Marom. In the video, Josh explains just how to use every aspect of this new widget.

Pricing Table Templates

If you want to learn how we go about creating unique pricing tables, here are 10 examples of price tables designed in Elementor, including pro tips on how we designed them.

1. The Rounded Corners Pricing Table Template

We start off with a simple price table, that uses the border radius and box shadows options to create a clean and modern design.

A good rule of thumb is to make sure you never overdo it with regards to features. For this price table, three main features are enough to help the visitors quickly differentiate between the plans and choose the one that suits them more.

Price Table > Advanced > Background & Border > Border Radius > 10

Price Table 02
Rounded Corners Pricing Table Template

2. The Classic Pricing Table Template

This classic design shows all the elements to create a nice design. It includes an interesting use of background colors for the title and price sections. In addition, features are highlighted by check and times icons to highlight which features appear on each plan. We also give a more generous top and bottom padding to the pricing section, giving it more focus than the features that are more close together.

Price Table > Style > Header > Background Color

PT > Style > Pricing > Background Color

Price Table 01
Classic Pricing Table Template

3. The Minimal Pricing Table Template

This design is effective because it sends a clear, hassle free message to the potential client. What you see is what you get.

This straightforward approach cuts down on any visitor hesitation and makes it easy to decide to go onboard. Whereas it is usually advised to downplay the free plan in favor of the paid one, this is the exception to that rule.

 Price Table > Border > Top > 5px

Price Table 10
Minimal Pricing Table Template

4. The Bordered Price Table Template

This PT uses one main color: red. By setting a different and thicker top border, we get a nicer effect for the whole table. The third plan is elongated and includes a green ‘hot’ ribbon. This sets it apart and focuses the attention on it. Because of the heavy use of the red color, the green ribbon really makes the third plan pop-out nicely.

To get the border effect, All boxes get a top solid red color of 8, and the left and right borders are different for each box. This prevents the borders between the price tables to be double in size.

Price Table #1: Advanced > Background & Border > Width > 8, 1, 1, 1
PT #2: Advanced > Background & Border > Width > 8, 0, 1, 0
PT #3: Advanced > Background & Border > Width > 8, 1, 1, 1
PT #4: Advanced > Background & Border > Width > 8, 1, 1, 0

Section > Layout > Content Position > Bottom

Price Table #3: Style > Header > Padding top & bottom > 20px

Price Table 08
Bordered Price Table Template

5. The Icon Pricing Table Template

What is nice about Elementor widgets is that they work great combined. In this example, we combine the icon widget on top of the price table, so the Drupal, WordPress and Joomla icons appear on top. 

You can emphasize the most preferred plan in any number of creative ways. In this example, a simple solid black border on the column level and negative button background color are all it takes to do the trick.

Price Table > Advanced > Element Style > Margin top > ‘-20’ (To get rid of the default widget padding)

Price Table #2 >Column > Background & Border > Width > 3

Price Table 06
Icon Pricing Table Template

6. The Cards Pricing Table Template

This unique card effect creates a really unique effect for the price table, making it much more visual and playful than before.

Price Table > Advanced > Background & Border > Image

PT > Style > Header, Pricing, Features, Footer > Background Color > Grey, Opacity 50%

Price Table
Cards Pricing Table Template

7. The Single Focus Pricing Table Template

This pricing table features three ‘plain’ white plans, that are all overshadowed by the main crimson colored plan that is also bigger, features negative colors and is framed. The result is an interesting layout which should also convert nicely since the eye is automatically drawn to the Business plan. 

Here, we used a box shadow with no blur on the column to create the external red frame effect around the price table. We also had to add some custom CSS to bring the box shadow frame in front of the other price tables.

Column > Style > Background & Border > Color > #ffffff

Column > Style > Box Shadow > Yes, Blur > 0

Column > Advanced > Custom CSS: selector {z-index:2;}

Section > Layout > Content Position > Middle

Price Table #3: Style > Header > Padding top > 10px

PT #3: Style > Footer > Padding bottom > 10px

Price Table 04
Single Focus Pricing Table Template

8. The Pop-Out Pricing Table Template

Even without reading the features one can come to the conclusion that this is a hotel resort price table. The smart use of a script font, icons, gold and dark-blue colors, drop shadows and background image, all help to give it the luxurious design we automatically assign to premium hotels.

To put more emphasis on the middle plan, we’ve made it wider, We also created a pop-out effect by playing with the border radius and box shadows.

Price Table #1: Advanced > Background & Border > Border Radius > 10, 0, 0, 10

PT #2: Advanced > Background & Border > Border Radius > 10, 10, 10, 10

PT #3: Advanced > Background & Border > Border Radius > 0, 10, 10, 0

Price Table #1, #3: Column Width > 31%

PT #2: Column Width > 37.6%

Middle Column > Advanced > Custom CSS: selector {z-index:2;}

Middle Section > Layout > Content Position > Middle

Price Table #3: Style > Header > Padding top > 10px

PT #3: Style > Footer > Padding bottom > 10px

Price Table 07
Pop-Out Pricing Table Template

9. The ‘Add to Cart’ Pricing Table Template

This is another example of matching another widget to the price table, this time an image widget. By using the Woo-Add to Cart widget, you can create landing pages that compare various products, and allows the visitor to add them to the WooCommerce cart with a click. You can also replicate this example to create not only pricing plans but top 5 product comparison pages that look amazing. 

Image > Advanced > Element Style > Margin > -20

Drag & drop ‘Woo Add to cart’ widget

Pair each button to the right product


Price Table 05
'Add to Cart' Pricing Table Template

10.  The Extraordinary Price Table Template

Honestly, price tables can be so boring. They are still tables, what could be more boring than tables? I’ve seen many price tables that looked like they were pasted from Excel. Yikes!

In the example above we manage to bring our pricing table to life by using vivid colors, a white frame, semi-transparent backgrounds and box shadows. This way we manage to create a unique and much more interesting design.

Price Table > Advanced > Background & Border > Color > Opacity 50%

Price Table 03
Extraordinary Price Table Template


I hope you’ve enjoyed this short tutorial. Feel free to share your own best practices when designing price tables in the comments section below.

If you’d like to enjoy this widget, plus many more useful widgets and features, check out Elementor Pro. We’ve added some new Pro templates that include price table designs, to help you get started.