Sergei Davidov

Sergei Davidov is a content creator at Elementor. His favorite topics are gadgets, advances in science, new apps and software solutions. He enjoys spicy food, reading books and listening to elevator music.

How to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress

Don’t waste time on manual, repetitive tasks when you can do them with a few clicks. Learn how to duplicate pages and posts and free yourself up to take care of more important tasks.

The Ultimate Guide to Web Design for Beginners

Take the first steps in your web design career with this comprehensive guide for beginners. Learn about the different theories, rules, best practices and more, and dive into the pool of knowledge we’ve prepared for you.

Elementor Websites of July 2021

This month we bring you a culturally rich selection of stunning websites. Websites that deal with travel, design, advertising, and even tiling! Browse this month’s selection to learn new tricks and get inspired.

Elevate Your WooCommerce Product Pages Using Custom Fields

Take your WooCommerce store to the next level with custom fields. Explore how WooCommerce custom fields can let you collect and display extra information about your WooCommerce products and how Elementor offers an easy way of doing it.

How to Build an Online Course With Tutor LMS and Elementor

Build an audience, establish yourself as an authority and make some money with an online course. Take advantage of Elementor’s integration with Tutor LMS which makes it easy to create online courses by offering more than 25 custom widgets. Learn how!

The Complete Guide to WooCommerce Dropshipping

Opening an online store involves a big investment of time and money, not least of all because of storage fees and shipment handling. But, there’s a better way of doing this — dropshipping. Discover this low-risk way of starting an online business.

11 Great Books for Learning Web Development With Ease

Some people process information better when it’s presented in the form of video or audio. To many, however, physical books are still the preferred method of learning. Unsure which books to choose for learning web development? Follow our list and find out.

Magento vs. WooCommerce: The Best E-Commerce Platform in 2022

Trying to choose between Magento and WooCommerce — two of the most popular e-commerce platforms? This article outlines the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms and will enable you to reach an informed decision. Read on.

The Complete Guide to A/B Testing in WordPress

The best decision is an informed decision, and A/B testing enables you to make data-backed decisions to improve your website. In this guide, you will learn the exact steps for running A/B tests for free.​

How to Set Up WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing

Providing incentives to your shoppers based on their shopping activity is one of the best strategies to encourage them to shop more. With dynamic pricing, you can change the price of your products based on certain criteria and boost your revenue by selling more. Discover how.

How to Set Up WooCommerce Shipping Options (in 5 Steps)

As a WooCommerce site owner, setting up your shipping options is a relatively simple, yet essential process. Follow our guide and learn how to configure your WooCommerce shipping to optimize the online shopping experience of your customers.

How To Perform a Comprehensive Website QA Test

Testing your website to uncover bugs or mistakes before it goes live is crucial to ensuring a smooth experience for your site visitors. In this article, we’ll show you how to perform a website QA test, including a checklist that you can use to test all of your sites.

How To Use WooCommerce Shortcodes in Your Online Store

WooCommerce provides an easy way to create an online shop, but very few users know just how flexible the platform is thanks to WooCommerce shortcodes. Discover how you can control core ecommerce pages, display products, and more with shortcodes.

The 20 Best Typography Tutorials for Web Designers

Good typography is a necessary element to providing good user experience. To help you understand this subject, we’ve collected the best tutorials on typography, equally beneficial to beginners and advanced web designers.

How to Create Coupon Codes in WooCommerce

Discounts, promotions, and other deals are an integral part of a marketing campaign aimed at increasing sales and drawing attention to certain products. Discover how to create coupon codes in WooCommerce to offer these deals.

WordPress Website Maintenance: A 16-Step Checklist of Crucial Tasks

Good website maintenance is necessary for a healthy, long-lasting website. It allows you to spot issues early on, fix them, and make sure that your website remains operative and beneficial. Follow our checklist to successfully maintain your WordPress website.

10 Leading Web Analytics Tools for 2022 [Free and Paid]

A thorough analysis of your website’s performance can help you find problems and weak spots to fix and eliminate. There are numerous web analytics tools available, but we’ve collected the top 10 tools that will truly help you — whatever your budget is. 

10 Best Time Management Tools for Web Designers

Time is money, and what better way to save money is there than properly managing your time. There are numerous different time management tools that can help you do that, and we’ve collected the top 10 for your to look at — check them out.

15 Reasons to Redesign Your Website

Outdated design, terrible navigation, bad user experience, and wrong target audience are just some of the factors that impact your site negatively. But, you can tackle these issues with a website redesign. Learn more about these and other reasons for redesigning your website.

How to Speed up WordPress: In-Depth Guide

The faster your website loads, the better user experience you provide — it’s as simple as that. Better user experience leads to higher conversion rates, lower bounce rates, and more. Learn how to speed up your website and improve your users’ experience.


Running a Website Speed Test: Best Practices

The success of your website depends on many factors, and one of them is its loading speed. There are several methods to measuring your website’s speed and interpreting the results, as well as many different tools that can help you in this endeavor. Read on to learn more.​