Testimonial Widget

With Elementor, you can add and style testimonials easily and without the need for any 3rd party plugins.



  1. Content – Enter the text of the testimonial
  2. Choose Image – Upload the testimonial author’s image
  3. Name – Enter the testimonial author’s name
  4. Job – Enter the testimonial author’s job title
  5. Link to – Set a link to a URL, media file or no link
  6. Image Position – Set the image position, relative to the testimonial content. Options include: Aside or Top
  7. Alignment – Align the testimonial to the left, right, or center



  1. Text Color – Choose the color of the content.
  2. Typography – Change the typography of the content.


  1. Image Size – Scale the image size up or down
  2. Border Type – Select the type of border. Options include none, solid, double, dotted, dashed, or grooved
  3. Border Radius – Set the border radius to control corner roundness


  1. Text Color – Choose the color of the name
  2. Typography – Change the typography of the name


  1. Text Color – Choose the color of the job
  2. Typography – Change the typography of the job


Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget

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