Sitemap Widget (Pro)

The Sitemap widget creates a structured, organized, and accessible HTML sitemap of your website, which provides users and search engines easy, one-click access to your site’s pages.




  1. Type: Select either Post Type or Taxonomy
  2. Source: Choose Posts, Pages, or any available custom post types if Post Type was selected. Choose Categories, Tags, Format, or any available custom taxonomies if Taxonomy was selected.
  3. Title: Enter the desired text or use Dynamic tags in the field for your title
  4. Order By: Choose how to order the links. For Post Type selection, choose from Date, Title, Menu Order, or Random. For Taxonomy selection, choose from ID or Name.
  5. Order: Choose to list the links in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order
  6. Hide Empty: If type chosen is Taxonomy, this option is available. Set to YES to hide if taxonomy is empty
  7. Hierarchical View: Set to YES to show hierarchical view (both parents and children).
  8. Max Depth: If Hierarchical View is set to YES, this option becomes available. Select depth of hierarchy to show, from 1 to 6, or ALL.

  1. Columns: Adjust the number of columns, from 1 to 6
  2. Title HTML Tag: Set the Title tag to H1-H6, Div, Span or Paragraph
  3. Add nofollow: Slide to YES to add rel=”nofollow” to all sitemap links

Additional Options

  1. Exclude: Choose to exclude the current post or manually search and select a post to exclude
  2. Avoid Duplicates: Choose Yes to avoid displaying duplicate posts that might appear in multiple categories
  3. Protected Posts: Choose to HIDE or SHOW protected posts



  1. Indent: Set the amount of indentation within the lists
  2. Padding: Set the padding around the sitemap columns


  1. Color: Choose the color of the title’s text
  2. Typography: Change the typography options for the title

List Item

  1. Color: Choose the color of the page links
  2. Typography: Change the typography options for the page links


  1. Color: Choose the color of the list bullets
  2. Style: Select the type of list bullet, choosing from Disc, Circle, Square, or None

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