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Short-Term Product Roadmap

Container Grid

Create complex grid designs more efficiently.

Nested Carousel

Create fully customized Carousel and drag any widget you want.

Nested Accordion

Drag any widget to the nested area of accordion widget

Loop Builder – Filters

Allow your site visitors to filter content presented with the Loop Builder

Loop Library Templates

Choose a pre-designed loop template to customize the design of your listings.

New Editor menu UI

New and improved design of the left menu in the editor.

Loop Builder – Alternate Template

Insert a different template between your loop content items to spotlight the content you want.

Mega Menu

Build your own Mega menu, add sub categories, add effects and more.

Loop Carousel

Use loop template and present your content as a Carousel.

Nested Tabs

Create complex designs using tabs and nesting widgets inside.

Copy & Paste From one Website to Another

Copy widgets, sections and paste them to a different website.

Responsive Background Image Size

Choose different backgournd images for different breaking points.

Custom Unit Option

Add custom calculations or mix of units to pixel perfect our designs.

Container based Kits, Templates and Blocks

Explore 100’s of container based kits, templates and block.

Popup Builder – New Advanced Rule for Date and Time Range

Decide when and how long you want to present a popup.

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What's on your wish list?

Make an impact on Elementor’s roadmap and submit your idea for new features or capabilities you would like to have. Every submission will be reviewed by our team and will be taken into account.