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Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between Elementor Pro vs free?

Elementor’s Free version offers limitless design possibilities. Elementor Pro, however, empowers you with more professional tools that speed up your workflow, and allows you to get more conversions and sales. See full comparison here

What payment methods do you accept?

You can use Stripe, PayPal or any credit card to pay for Elementor Pro.

Can I use Elementor Pro to create websites for clients?

Sure can! We’ve deliberately built Elementor Pro to help you get more clients, by completing projects faster with better results. The best value for money is our Expert plan, letting you create 1000 sites.

What happens if I don’t renew my license after one year? Will Elementor Pro still work?

Your existing project will remain intact. The only difference is support, updates and access to premium templates which require renewal. In addition, Elementor Pro widgets are not draggable if the license is not activated in versions 2.9 and above. Learn more about this here.

Can I upgrade a license after I have already purchased one?

Sure, you can upgrade at any time. You will only need to cover the price difference between your existing plan and the plan you are upgrading to, for the remaining period until your next license renewal.

What happens to pages created in the free version after I upgrade?

Elementor Pro is an extension of Elementor. After you upgrade to Pro, you continue just where you left off, without any interruptions. In fact, you’ll be able to leverage those pages using the Pro features.


What can I expect in terms of new Pro feature and template releases?

Since our launch, we have been known for our frequent feature release, and plan to keep working hard to deliver new and promising features & templates almost every week.


Can I transfer the Elementor Pro license key from one domain to another?

Of course! Just deactivate the plugin from the previous domain and activate it on the new one. You can manage it in your account via View Websites > Manage License.


Do you offer a Demo version?

We don’t offer a demo version of Elementor Pro for trial.
However, we have a refund policy which lets you cancel your purchase and get a refund during the first 30 days.
So you can try it for a month and then decide if you want to keep it or not.

To get answers to more questions, visit our complete FAQ page or contact us.