Frequently Asked Questions​


Elementor is the ultimate & FREE WordPress page builder, that lets you create beautiful WordPress websites in the easiest and quickest way possible.

It works with all the themes which respect the coding standards of WordPress set by its Codex.

It works with almost all the plugins. If you experience an incompatibility issue, please report it to us and to the plugin which conflicts with Elementor.

Elementor Pro completes the full stack of tools that web creators need to build professional, pixel perfect websites. It includes the industry-leading Theme Builder, visual form widget, custom CSS and many other revolutionary features.

You can. You will need the Theme Builder to edit it.

You can edit all the pages of your WooCommerce store, including the Archive, Product, Menu-Cart, Cart, Checkout, Purchase Summary, and My Account.

Elementor Hosting

An Elementor hosted website is perfect for web creators who want to focus on building their professional website hassle-free. This end-to-end solution gives you everything you need in one place: Managed WordPress Hosting, Elementor Pro website builder, Theme and Premium support, all tailored together to provide a seamless building experience and top performing websites. Additionally, it can be an excellent solution for anyone building websites for clients as it enables a straightforward handoff process and makes it easy for them to maintain.

The Elementor plugin allows you to utilize all the amazing features offered by Elementor Pro. To use it, you will first need to purchase a hosting service with a WordPress installation and then download and install the Elementor plugin.

Elementor Hosting provides an end-to-end solution that includes all the features and benefits of Elementor Pro Website Builder along with hosting and WordPress installation, resulting in a seamless creation experience at a great value price. When building and hosting your website on Elementor you get a hassle-free experience that saves you time to spend building a beautiful website and managing all these services under one roof.

Elementor Hosting plans include everything you need to start building your own website; fast Managed Hosting, Elementor Pro website builder and Elementor Hello Theme. Including:

  • Managed WordPress Hosting powered by Google Cloud Platform
  • Elementor Pro Website Builder
  • Secure CDN by Cloudflare
  • Free SSL certification by Cloudflare
  • Fast SSD Storage
  • Monthly visits 
  • Bandwidth
  • Free custom domain connection
  • Free Email domain authentication
  • Free subdomain under
  • Auto backups (varying by plan)
  • Staging environment (available for some plans)
  • Premium Support for additional Members (varying by plan)

You get all the benefits of Elementor Pro Website Builder, including the drag & drop editor, all Pro widgets, features, kits and templates. PLUS, you get support for everything, from editing to hosting, all in one place.

Yes, you can definitely build more than one website using one subscription. You can purchase a multi-website plan that includes up to 3 or up to 10 websites.

Absolutely not. The subscription price is charged annually. We offer a first year discount and renewals on List Price, which includes all the hosting and Elementor Pro Website Builder features described above. 

Currently we do not charge for overage, however in the future, as with many other hosting services, if you exceed your plan’s allotted resources, you will be billed for overage fees at the rate of $1 per month per 1GB in excess and $1 per month per 1,000 visitors in excess. We will notify you at least a month in advance before we put such a policy into effect, and at that point, we will alert you if you consume 80% of your allotted resources.

We are constantly developing and expanding Elementor’s Hosting solution, which might also lead to pricing changes, as well as different plans and offerings.

No, you will continue to pay the same price as when you first purchased your Elementor + WordPress Hosting subscription. If you cancel your subscription, or wish to purchase a new one, you will need to purchase it at the current price.


If your subscription expires, you will not be able to continue paying the old price and will need to purchase a new subscription at the current price.

Elementor Hosting is the best hosting for the Elementor plugin. 

Elementor’s Hosting solution provides everything you need to build and host a WordPress website at a great value of cost: Managed WordPress Hosting, Elementor Pro plugin, Theme and premium support. 


With Cloudflare free CDN, SSD storage, scalable resources from Google Cloud, Elementor’s layers of security and monitoring, allow you to be rest assured that your website is safe and top performing, so you can focus on creating.

Elementor is a Managed WordPress Hosting powered by Google Cloud Platform. This means you get protection for your website data, applications, and infrastructure. Additionally, it protects customers from fraudulent activity, spam, and abuse with the same infrastructure and security services that Google uses.
We use specially tailored Kubernetes-based services to support your website’s changing needs, being able to spin up new servers to support high loads automatically. This allows us to scale your Elementor Hosted website applications up and down to fit changing needs.

Your website is fully hosted on Elementor servers in Belgium. We do all the heavy lifting around server maintenance so you can focus on building your website.


Note that CDN is built into our offering in order to give you the best possible website availability and performance. This means we provide you with a geographically distributed network of servers and data centers. CDN takes load off the origin server and if one location becomes unavailable, another location serves the content. With content distributed across many locations worldwide, applications can handle higher traffic volumes. Additionally, this distribution helps users reach your website faster loading content in less time. Website owners should be aware that different countries may have different regulations regarding information security requirements and the location of servers. If there are any questions regarding this topic, please reach out to us.

You can transfer your website at any time to any hosting provider, without restrictions. There are 3 main methods to export your website:

  1. You can use Elementor’s Import/Export feature
  2. Use WordPress’s built-in export functionality and import it to your new host.
  3. You can also export and download the latest backup to your local computer and import it on your new hosting.

As Elementor hosting plans include the Elementor Website Builder Pro Plugin, please note that you would need to purchase one of the Elementor Pro plugin plans so that all of your Elementor Pro features will work properly on your site with your new hosting provider.

You can easily connect your custom domain to your Elementor hosted website through the My Elementor dashboard. For a detailed explanation, check out our article about Adding Your Custom Domain.

Your website will continue to run normally.

Currently we do not charge for overage, however in the future, as with many other hosting services, if you exceed your plan’s allotted resources, you will be billed for overage fees at the rate of $1 per month per 1GB in excess and $1 per month per 1,000 visitors in excess. 

We will notify you at least a month in advance before we put such a policy into effect. You will be alerted if and when you consume 80% of your allotted resources.

Yes, you can upgrade your current Elementor hosting plan at any given time. You can choose to upgrade to our higher single website Business plan, which comes with boosted resources, or to upgrade to a multiple website plan (Grow and Scale) which also comes with a higher volume of resources. 

In case you need even more resources please contact our support team.

Elementor Hosting subscription includes the sending of up to 100 emails per day from your website, including form submission emails, purchase confirmation emails, admin notifications, or other events that trigger email sending.


Once you have a custom domain, you can also connect and authenticate your emails with your domain name to make sure your site visitors get your website emails via your fully branded email address.


Note, the subscription does not include email hosting services. You can sign up to 3rd party email services via Google Workspaces, Office 365 or any other provider of your choice and it’s a good opportunity to use your custom domain name to create personalized email addresses.

Caching is done on the CDN level (Cloudflare) and optimized to deliver your content fast around the world.

Currently, we do not offer migration services. However, you can use Elementor’s Import/ Export tool to export your existing website as a kit and import it to an Elementor Hosting. Please note that the tool has some limitations, which means you may be required to do additional work once the import process is complete. For more information about Import/Export, check out this video.

You can upgrade from your current plan to a higher-tier plan. For any other requested change, please contact our support team.  

Everything can be managed from the My Elementor dashboard. That’s where you can access your WordPress dashboard, connect a custom domain, set your primary domain, turn Site Lock on and off, manage backups, restore the website if needed, and all other useful actions.

Yes, you can install any WordPress-compatible theme you’d like. Elementor hosted websites come with the Hello Theme preinstalled, which will serve all your needs to start creating your website.

Most major plugins are fully compatible with Elementor hosting. Some plugins are blocked because they are incompatible with Elementor Pro, while others clash with some of our built-in services, including security, backup, and optimization. You can find a list of currently incompatible ones in the article Elementor hosted website Incompatible Plugins.

Most plug-ins are fully compatible with your website hosted on Elementor. However, some of the plug-ins are blocked in order to avoid conflicts that may break your website. You can find the full list of currently incompatible plug-ins in this article.

We monitor for malicious behavior of websites and will stop websites if we suspect they have been hacked. That being said, we do encourage you to take additional steps to guarantee your website’s security.

Similar to security, there are multiple types of optimizations. You do not need to install any plugin that helps optimization through caching. However, if you have large media files, for example, you might want to install plugins that improve image loading.

There is no need for additional backup plugins. We provide daily backups, and you can manually back up at any time.

No. Elementor Hosting is not a hosting solution where you can add as many WordPress websites as you want. To get more websites you can purchase Elementor’s hosting multi website plans like Grow with up to 3 websites, and Scale with up to 10 websites.

There is no trial period, but there is a 30-day money back guarantee with no strings attached.

No, you cannot use a different CDN provider. Elementor Hosted Websites have a built-in secure CDN by Cloudflare.

You are the sole owner of the entire website you create with Elementor, including its content. You can transfer your website, at any time, to any hosting provider, without restrictions.

All the analytics and usage data that is collected on the Elementor hosting is completely anonymous. It is used solely for the purpose of improving the product and is not shared with anyone else.

Yes, for some of the plans. Business, Scale and Grow plans include Staging as part of the plan.

Our support team is here to help and they can be contacted via the My Elementor dashboard. An agent will assist you in correcting the issue, finding the plugin that caused the website to break, or reverting your website to a previous version, if needed.

This is an end-to-end solution in which you get WordPress hosting, WordPress installation and Elementor Pro features are built-in, meaning you can immediately start building your website. Although Elementor does not currently offer registration services for custom domains, there are many simple solutions from popular registrars available in the market such as Google Domains. Once you have a custom domain, you can easily connect it to your. To learn how to do this, head to our article Adding Your Custom Domain.

We are still focused on making Elementor the best editor possible, while improving web creators’ experience of working with WordPress and Elementor. Our aim is to enable users to be creative, without having to worry about hosting as part of their “must haves” when building a website.

These capabilities are being developed in parallel with our continuous work on the core plugin product. This includes performance improvements, new features, updated infrastructure, and overall building the future of the Editor. Elementor’s Hosting is part of that future, as it offers a streamlined way to enjoy creating and publishing your website.

If your Elementor Hosting subscription expires and you choose not to renew after our reminders, the following actions will take place:

  • Your website will be suspended with no editing capabilities and with limited access to your site.
  • You will have 70 days from the expiration date to renew your subscription. You can renew your subscription directly from the dashboard. Once you renew, your website will be fully restored.
  • At 70 days after the expiration date, if you have not renewed your subscription your website and data will be deleted.

We always recommend keeping the auto-renew setting on to prevent this from happening so you can enjoy continuous, uninterrupted service.

Theme Builder

Absolutely! Design your Popup in the same way you would design any page using Elementor. Include forms, widgets, templates, and other elements as you wish.

You need to install both Elementor plugins (free and Pro). Both must be activated together. See our basic tutorials for more information

While it is possible to create every part of your theme using Elementor templates, and create infinite number of websites with unique designs, you cannot import and export a complete theme that bundles all the theme parts. You can, however, import and export every theme part separately.

Absolutely! We’ve tested it on hundreds of themes, making sure everything works perfectly, down to the last pixel.

Absolutely! Design your Popup in the same way you would design any page using Elementor. Include forms, widgets, templates, and other elements as you wish.

Yes, we have various triggers, rules, and conditions that determine when a Popup occurs. You may “manually trigger” Popups via Dynamic Actions or Form Actions After Submit or “automatically trigger” Popups via Conditions, Triggers, and Advanced Rules.

Yes, the On Page Exit Intent is a very popular Trigger. Setting this will display the Popup when the user’s mouse activity indicates intent to exit the page.

Popup Builder includes page-based, time-based, device-based & visitor-based targeting, behavior-driven targeting (clicks, scrolling, form submit and more)

Yes! We currently have over 100 beautifully designed Popup templates to choose from.

Of course. Troll your visitors as much as you want.

Yes, all you need to have is Elementor Pro installed & activated, and you’re good to go 🙂

You can also add upsales and offers to your users throughout all of the purchase flow.

You can make any popup you can imagine, like: email subscriber popups, login forms popups, content lock & upgrades, welcome mat, promotion & sale popups, announcement popups, related products & upsells, exit intent popups, consent forms, countdown timer popups, marketing and sales funnels, and many more!

Yes! Popups are easily connected to: MailChimp, Drip, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, HubSpot, Zapier, GetResponse, MailerLite, MailPoet, Slack, and Discord


Elementor’s free version offers limitless design possibilities. Elementor Pro, however, empowers you with more professional tools that speed up your workflow, and allow you to get more conversions and sales. See all free and pro features here.

You can use Stripe, PayPal or any credit card to pay for Elementor Pro.

Sure can! Elementor Pro was built specifically to help your web design business get more clients. You can start with our Expert plan, letting you use Elementor Pro on up to 25 sites, and grow with plans dedicated to larger design teams like our Studio (100 sites) and Agency (1000 sites).

An expired subscription will not affect your website’s online status. However, it does mean that you won’t have access to valuable features and benefits. If you do not renew your subscription, you will lose access to the following:

  • Pro widgets and features will be locked

  • You won’t get new releases or security updates 

  • Access to Pro website kits and templates will be closed or limited  

  • Premium support will be discontinued

  • Early adopter discounts will not be renewed

  • “Legacy Expert” subscriptions purchased before March 9th 2021 will be canceled indefinitely

Your existing projects will remain intact, but to keep your websites in working form for the long run, it is highly recommended to renew your subscription on time.

Sure, you can upgrade any time and get a license for a whole year with premium support & unlimited access to the template library. You just need to cover the difference.

Elementor Pro is an extension of Elementor. After you upgrade to Pro, you can continue just where you left off, without any interruptions. In fact, you’ll be able to leverage your existing pages using the Pro features.

Since our launch, we became known for our frequent feature releases, and plan to keep working hard to deliver new and promising features & templates nearly every week.

In case you want to transfer your Elementor Pro license from one domain to another:
  1. Head over to your account , under ‘Websites’, locate the website you want to Deactivate.
  2. Then, click on the 3 dots menu on that website, and click “View related subscription”.
  3. From there, choose the website you want to disconnect and click “Disconnect Website”
In order to reactivate your Elementor Pro license on another domain see this article.
Keep in mind there is a limit on the number of unique domains that can be used under a subscription.

We don’t offer a demo version of Elementor Pro for trial. However, we have a refund policy which lets you cancel your purchase and gets a refund during the first 30 days. So you can try it for a month and then decide if you want to keep it or not.