
Meet us during WordCamp Asia in Bangkok, Thailand!

Are you a Web Creator looking to expand your knowledge of the Elementor ecosystem?
Or are you just curious about the latest developments in the platform? Or maybe just looking for pink SWAG to put in the office? Look no further, as Elementor will be at WordCamp Asia in Bangkok, Thailand, from February 17th to 19th.

A Rundown of Elementor’s First Ever Roadmap & Focus Event in 2023

On January 23, 2022 we held our first ever Roadmap Event, where we presented a behind-the-scenes view into what we’ve been working on throughout the year. Our team also shared lots of great demos and new ways to spark your creativity!

Elementor Acquires Strattic To Redefine WordPress Hosting

Elementor acquires Strattic, the leading WordPress static hosting solution for secure, high-performance websites. This decision strengthens our ability to provide an end-to-end solution to millions of Web Creators by harnessing the power of static hosting technology and marks a significant milestone for Elementor.

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Party Time! Celebrate Elementor’s 5th Birthday With up to 50% Off

Join the craziest birthday dance party the world has ever known, as Elementor turns 5 years old. We’re celebrating and dancing with our beloved web creator community — with our biggest discount event of the year. Get up to 50% off your next upgrade or subscription!

Announcing Elementor Pro New Pricing Model and Plans

On March 9th, 2021, Elementor will be adding new Studio and Agency Pro subscription plans and adapting the Expert plan, to best accommodate users’ growing needs. These changes will only apply to new purchases. If you’re on an existing active subscription plan, nothing changes for you.​

Elementor Support Update

In this post, I want to share some of our ongoing measures to upscale our support, as well as the results we are already seeing.

Year in Review 2020 — We Did It!

We’re excited to show you our “2020 – We Did It!” video. It’s been a challenging, yet exciting year for web creators — let’s wrap it up in style.

elementor 2020 end of year showcase

End-of-Year Showcase 2020: Website Transformations

For our End-of-Year Showcase 2020, we are calling upon web creators near and far who have used Elementor to transform an older version of their website — giving their new site a new look, feel and even functionality.

Introducing Yoast SEO and Elementor Integration

Hurrah! Yoast SEO now offers a full integration to Elementor. This integration will give users the ability to use the entire scope of Yoast SEO features right from within the live Elementor editor.

Year in Review — 2019

Just before everyone’s getting back to their daily routine, we wanted to share with you exciting highlights and achievements that we celebrated this past year.

4 Takeaways from WordCamp US 2019

This past weekend, thousands attended the biggest WordPress event of the year, WordCamp US. We were there too. Here’s our recap.