
SHOWOFF ’22: Wrap Up, Winners and What’s Next

The Elementor Showoff ‘22 competition was an amazing happening where we celebrated the excellent work of talented web creators. Contestants submitted their websites and were judged on their skill and creativity. It was the place where web creators could brag about their websites, inspire others, and bask in the glory of being recognized for their expertise.

The Revamped Developers Website — Where All the Developers Go

The Developers Website is an invaluable resource for Developers who want to expand Elementor’s capabilities, create their own Addons, customize Elementor’s widgets to their needs, and more. And now, it’s been fully revamped, take a look at what’s new.

Powered by You

10,000,000 active websites are now #BuiltWithElementor. To celebrate this monumental milestone, we take a look at the key facts and figures of 2021 in our latest interactive infographic.

Performance Optimization Week — Everything You Need to Know

This week, our community has an exclusive opportunity to ask twenty-one of our leading performance experts their biggest web performance questions. This article examines the most common website performance challenges web creators face and how to overcome them.

11 Great Books for Learning Web Development With Ease

Some people process information better when it’s presented in the form of video or audio. To many, however, physical books are still the preferred method of learning. Unsure which books to choose for learning web development? Follow our list and find out.

The Complete Guide to A/B Testing in WordPress

The best decision is an informed decision, and A/B testing enables you to make data-backed decisions to improve your website. In this guide, you will learn the exact steps for running A/B tests for free.​

How To Perform a Comprehensive Website QA Test

Testing your website to uncover bugs or mistakes before it goes live is crucial to ensuring a smooth experience for your site visitors. In this article, we’ll show you how to perform a website QA test, including a checklist that you can use to test all of your sites.

WordPress Website Maintenance: A 16-Step Checklist of Crucial Tasks

Good website maintenance is necessary for a healthy, long-lasting website. It allows you to spot issues early on, fix them, and make sure that your website remains operative and beneficial. Follow our checklist to successfully maintain your WordPress website.


Running a Website Speed Test: Best Practices

The success of your website depends on many factors, and one of them is its loading speed. There are several methods to measuring your website’s speed and interpreting the results, as well as many different tools that can help you in this endeavor. Read on to learn more.​

.Com vs .Net: Choosing the Right Domain Extension for Your Website

There’s much thought that goes into choosing the right name for your website and the domain extension is no exception. There are lots of domain extensions to choose from, but which one is the best one for you? Read more to find out.​

How To Redirect URLs in WordPress

Redirecting visitors from one page on your website to another is an important part of website maintenance and there could be a number of reasons for doing it. Explore them all, and learn how to create redirects on your WordPress website.

Website Launch Checklist — 25 Must-Dos Before A Website Launch

Launching a website is an exciting time, but it can also be very stressful — you may forget something, or do something incorrectly. With our thorough website launch checklist, you can be confident that you’ve ticked all the boxes and your site is ready for primetime.

How to Build a Mega Menu on Your WordPress Website

Do your site visitors need to hover over an awkward drop-down, in the hopes of picking the right option? Then you need a mega-menu. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create your own custom WordPress mega menu using Elementor and Crocoblock.

How to Create a Sticky Sidebar Menu on WordPress

Tired of the standard horizontal menu? In this post, our Elementor expert shows you step-by-step how to create a vertical sidebar navigation menu for an immersive scrolling experience.

How to Create a WordPress Membership Site

Building a WordPress membership website is an excellent way of monetizing your website. In this in-depth article, we’ll cover all of the essential steps when creating a membership site with Elementor and MemberPress.